Evguenia Stoichkova (The Coca-Cola Company) @StartEvo: “I prefer to be fired for a wrong decision than for no decision :)”

Daca este sa faci un sondaj in randul tinerilor, referitor la “Care este cea mai aspirationala companie din Romania unde sa lucrezi?”, procentul cel mai mare o sa fie directionat catre Coca-Cola.:) Intrucat unii din noi au lucrat 5 ani de zile in aceasta companie minunata, am zis ca e musai sa ii filmam si pe ei, ca sa ne inspire prin exemplul personal.

Asa ca am fost la Evguenia Stoichkova, seful The Coca-Cola Company pe 4 tari, sa o intrebam ce a insemnat pentru ea evolutie personala si sa ne dea cateva sfaturi, care au functionat si in cazul ei. Deasemenea, ne-a spus si ce o intereseaza cand angajeaza pe cineva (foarte interesant!). Asa ca va invitam sa urmariti discutia si sa invatam cu totii din experienta ei. 🙂

Evguenia Stoichkova



Cateva franturi din interviu, ca de obicei…

Evguenia Stoichkova: I’m Bulgarian and I’m Franchise Operations Director for The Coca-Cola Company Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Albania.

It was an interesting journey getting here. I’m an engineer in geology. Very different of what I’m doing right now.  […] The first difficult decision: after the communism system collapsed, my prospects for future were not very clear.  I went to a competition for studying abroad, organized by French Government. […] I spoke very little French, but I decided to risk it. I went to that competition. Somehow I qualified. 🙂 I was very surprised.

I studied in France for a year, in economy. I re-qualified. From there I entered the marketing area. I had little marketing education but I had a lot of willingness to change things. 🙂

One big learning: I saw an opportunity and I took it. This paid out pretty well.[…]

I entered in Danone, when Danone entered in the country. I started as trainee; I ended up as a Marketing Manager. I went for 3 years to work in Russia.

One big learning: take the risks, go for it.

I didn’t know the outcome. […]New experience, new learning, which were paying back […]

I’m a fan of Coke. I’ve been invited to an interview at Coke. I passed 7 interviews. It was very difficult to take this decision, but I took the risk. I joined Coke as Marketing Manager for Bulgaria. And gradually I started to progress.



StartEvo: Did you had a smooth ride? Or you had bumps on the way?

Evguenia Stoichkova: For me it was a (more…)